1. Techno Legal Consultancy
2. Due Diligence for Mergers & Acquisitions
Pre-acquisition Negotiation – Do Not Overpay For A Purchase.
Look At The Engine Room First
Before negotiating to purchase a company, technical diligence will help, you know whether you are paying the right price and give you a better idea how the company might perform in the future.
Technical due diligence can also help a purchaser reduce the acquisition offer price.
The due diligence should be instantly self-financing and provide you with a qualitative overview of the business future performance complementing financial data analysis that reveals more of a current and historical view.
3. Reskilling India & Social Entrepreneurship
We provide Institutional Training, to bridge the gap between Education and Execution by bringing employable skills in the Classrooms
With technology covering most of the industries today under its huge umbrella, it has become mandatory for students and professionals to be skilled in the trending technology. Although institutions today are providing quality education, students need to excel in the relevant software’s as well to work as productive employees in an industry.
4. Project Management Consultancy
5. Lender’s Engineer
6. Techno Economic Viability
Coming soon…
7. Traffic Revenue Study
This includes following
8. PPP Advisory
Coming soon…
9. Other Services
Preparation of financial and technical feasibility report by studying existing building plans, consumed FSI, carpet area of existing members & available TDR/ additional FSI benefits so that maximum benefits the members can demand from the Developer through a bid process.
10. Redevelopment
Creating the BIM and EIR execution plan including the process, content, production and evaluation. Applying the processes and standards applicable to the management of information about an asset throughout its lifespan.